Chiropractic Care – what to expect, and how can it help?!

Chiropractic treatment is a hands-on, non-invasive and drug free practice that helps safely and effectively relieve musculoskeletal pain and improve the body’s overall function. While chiropractic care is focused around treating the spine it is also helpful in treating other regions and joints of the body including but not limited to ankles, shoulder, hips, and knees! Chiropractic treatment works by creating space within restricted joints to increase range of motion as well as stimulating the stretch receptors within tight and sore muscles.
When most people think of chiropractic treatment they think of the “popping and cracking” sound. While this is one effective way to perform adjustments it is not the only way! There are gentler approaches to chiropractic adjustments. These can including mobilisations, which involves taking the joint through its range of motion by simply moving it repeatedly. Your Chiropractor may also use an instrument tool called an activator to deliver a gentle and effective thrust through the joint causing the desired movement. In addition to the adjustment many chiropractors also utilize various soft-tissue techniques that help stretch and relax muscles and increase blood flow to them. As well as at home strengthening and mobility exercises to help compliment their in-office care and help their patients reach the optimal level of functionality.
When seeing a chiropractor for the first time they will perform an in-depth history followed by a physical exam tailored to your specific complaint. Some physical examination procedures may include orthopaedic tests, muscle testing, reflexes, and sensory testing. From here your chiropractor will develop and explain your diagnoses and plan of treatment. Treatment will then be delivered using a variety of different methods, if a follow up appointment is necessary the duration and time will be discussed, and any prescribed homecare will be demonstrated and explained.
Chiropractic care can be an effective way in treating a variety of different musculoskeletal injuries and ailments. It is also helpful in keeping the body functioning as it should. When joints are restricted and not moving properly, this can cause the joints above and below the affected area to move more than they should. When this happens it can cause tightening of some surrounding muscles as well as inactivity of other ones. The combination of all these things can lead to pain or lack of proper function. Keeping your joints mobile keeps them happy and in less pain, which allows you to move more and continue doing the things you love in life!
If you would like to book an appointment with our Chiropractor, Paige Hiney, please go to our book online tab at the top of the page, or call the clinic at 778-640-1119.